You're Not Failing, Your Diet Is!
Jan 28, 2021
If you’ve jumped from diet to diet, plan to plan, challenge to challenge, or coach to coach and have little more to show for it than some half-empty protein shake containers and a slew of workout gear in various sizes to fit your various shapes over the years, it’s more than likely not your fault.
Have you ever felt like you were a failure?
Or you didn’t have enough willpower?
Possibly even wondered if you were actually ‘addicted’ to food?
I’m here to tell you, it isn’t you!
Most programs are too restrictive and not at all sustainable.
I know this because I’ve done a dozen of them myself and I still research programs every single month. I’ve done A LOT of market research and found that most diets have very high failure rates. Alarmingly high.
Here’s why: most program are too rigid.
They leave you watching everyone else enjoying a slice of cake while you munch on a bowl of steamed broccoli and go to bed hungry.
It shouldn’t be like that.
What do I consider to be too restrictive or too rigid?
- Too low in calories
- Cutting down (or cutting out entirely) 1 or more food groups (ie: no-carb/keto diets)
- A short list of ‘approved’ foods meaning anything outside the list is off limits
- No balance foods or treat days
- No bread
- No sugar (friend, there’s sugar in most everything, even healthy fruits)
This is not realistic.
And even if you manage to make it through the first few weeks, maybe even the first few months and see a weight loss result, you’ve got to ask yourself if you can sustain it for the rest of your life.
Most can’t. And I’ve been right there in that group too.
It’s not your level of discipline.
You don’t have an addiction to chocolate.
You are NOT weak.
The programs we are taught ‘work’ are not created with the sustainability of being a normal human being in mind. They are designed to get your quick results by making you take extreme measures in the name of weight loss success.
That’s not what we do here.
We love macros. And the reason is because there are no lists, no restrictions. Everything is on the table. With macro nutrition you learn how to have a better relationship with food. You are not cutting calories dangerously low, and you’re not left sneaking into the kitchen at midnight to nibble on the cake you so proudly turned down just hours earlier.
There is no guilt, no remorse. Just real foods and real results. Macro nutrition is a lifestyle , not a diet.