Eating clean does NOT mean you’ll automatically lose weight.
Sep 07, 2021
Eating clean does NOT mean you’ll automatically lose weight.
Because it’s not just about the ‘cleanliness’ it’s about the calories you consume.
Let me break it down like this:
Jennifer eats clean. She only eats fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh meat, whole-grain breads, healthy snacks, drinks tons of water, and fresh green juices. She avoids anything processed. She has no idea how many calories she eats each day. She has been stuck at the same weight on the scale for months, is feeling discouraged, and is just dying for a good ol’ burger…but because it’s not ‘clean’ she won’t eat it.
Stephanie eats 80/20. She eats 80% of her meals ‘clean’ and 20% of her meals ‘fun’. That means she might eat a very healthy breakfast of fresh oats, fruits, and coconut milk, but she also enjoys the occasional restaurant hamburger, ice cream cone with her kids, or even (gasp!) a Friday night margarita with the girls. She tracks her macros and knows how many calories she’s eating. She feels happy and balanced and she is losing weight.
Stephanie might not be eating all clean, all day every day, but she is keeping on track by counting macros and planning out her treats with an 80/20 approach. Stephanie will see good progress over time. She is eating what fits and because she is satisfying her cravings on a regular basis, she is less likely to binge.
Jennifer is eating clean, avoiding all processed foods, excess sugars, and salts, but she’s also missing out on the fun parts of life. Saying no to brunch with friends, avoiding happy hour, and feeling deprived every single day. And the worst part? Because she’s not actively tracking macros, unbeknownst to her, she’s eating too many calories and as a result, isn’t seeing the results she wants.
There’s no reason to deny yourself. By tracking macros, you can make all the foods fit.
Donuts, nachos, restaurant hamburgers, even the occasional cocktail! It’s all about making good choices and hitting your macros.
Macro tracking is the most effective way to reach your nutrition goals!